Country: | U.S.A.
| Station: | CUSTER, MT. | River: | YELLOWSTONE RIVER | Area: | 26079772.28 | Lat: | 46.14 | Lon: | -107.55 | Source: | USGS | PointID: | 6218000 | Area Units: | km2 | Discharge Units: | m3/sec | Starting Year: | 1906 | Ending Year: | 1907 | Total Years: | 2 | Total Usable Years: | 1 | |
| |
Year | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Avg Annual |
1906 | -9999 | -9999 | -9999 | -9999 | 464.46 | 569.17 | 412.24 | 199.98 | 127.94 | 88.93 | 78.37 | 79.65 | -9999 |
1907 | 42.48 | -9999 | 88.81 | 113.19 | 277.5 | 787.12 | 973.47 | 373.85 | 187.83 | 139.67 | 103.43 | 86.09 | -9999 |
Avg | 42.48 | 0 | 88.81 | 113.19 | 370.98 | 678.15 | 692.86 | 286.92 | 157.89 | 114.3 | 90.9 | 82.87 | -9999 |
Std Dev | 0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
93.48 |
108.98 |
280.62 |
86.94 |
29.95 |
25.37 |
12.53 |
3.22 |
0 |
| Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Avg Annual |
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