Satellite Data for Air Quality

With support from NASA, the Holloway Group at SAGE has developed a set of user-friendly dataset to support wider utilization of remote sensing data for air quality and health. This growing inventory of data includes:

  • Shapefiles of NO2 air pollution from satellite for use in GIS platforms, including the EPA’s EJSCREEN platform for environmental justice
  • 12 km x 12 km daily gridded data of NO2 air pollution from satellite for comparison with  photochemical grid model output or other data sources

We also provide guidance documents and software to support users creating custom shapefiles or gridded data on a different grid.

Shapefiles of NO2 Air Pollution
New York
County Level

The links below can be directly added to EJ SCREEN under add maps—>search for maps–>add map services.
New York
County Level

The units for all files are x10^15 molecules/cm2

Gridded OMI NO2

This dataset contains daily gridded DOMINO NO2 data, zipped into monthly files. These data were generated from Level-2 satellite data (on swaths) and gridded to a 12 km x 12 km horizontal resolution over the continental United States using the Wisconsin Horizontal Interpolation Program for Satellites (WHIPS) for ease of comparison with photochemical grid model output.

If your model data are on a different grid, you can use WHIPS to regrid Level-2 data to your custom grid.

Within each set of monthly files, there is a README file for information on how the data were processed, as well as a WHIPS runscript.

These data may be sampled and/or averaged over time using a Matlab script. Download instructions for running the script, the script itself, and an example (optional) input file for extracting data from user-defined latitude and longitude points.

Email Monica Harkey at with any questions about this dataset, and Alana Weir at with any questions regarding the script or instructions.

When publishing results using these data, please include a citation for their processing:

  • Harkey, M., T. Holloway, J. Oberman, and E. Scotty (2015), An evaluation of CMAQ NO2 using obseved chemistry-meteorology correlations, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 120, doi:10.1002/2015JD023316.

Download Monthly Files

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